Cinema Cafe


Now featuring assisted technologies. Request a device with your server.

Including amplified sound for the hearing impaired, closed caption* devices, and audio description for the visually impaired.

*Closed Caption devices are currently only available in English subtitles. For those interested in dubbed sound in Spanish or other languages, we encourage you to check out a third-party called TheaterEars. Requires a smartphone and personal headphones/earbuds. May not be available for all titles.
Para aquellos interesados ​​en el sonido doblado en español u otros idiomas, los alentamos a consultar a un tercero llamado TheaterEars. Requiere un teléfono inteligente y auriculares personales.

Website Accessibility

We believe that Cinema Cafe site should be accessible to all people and comply with the requirements of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines.

Embracing these standards is an ongoing effort. We are committed to improve our site to meet the WCAG 2.0 AA guidelines. If you have questions about its compliance or need help with its processes, please contact us.

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